Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Two Basically Unrelated Prayer Things...

One, I really loved this post's response to "What is it like to hear an answer to prayer?". The author, Jen, just writes a little bit about what her experience is communicating with God on a daily basis. I'm absolutely not saying it's the same for everyone or this is one thousand percent theologically sound on every doctrinal cross-reference form ever or anything. But, it is very similar to what my experience has generally been also, so that was fun to read and connect with; and I really enjoyed and appreciated the articulation of such a personal and beautiful thing.

Second... if yall can, I would reeealllly appreciate prayer for health right now. I have had a bad cough for about a week and a half and it got pretty terrible over the weekend. Monday night I woke all three of my roommates up with how much I was coughing in my sleep. I went to the doctor on Tuesday and they ordered some blood work done, which I did this morning. About an hour after I got back to campus, the health center called me and told me very urgently that the labs showed really high levels of some protein that was not good, and I needed to go to the ER right away for a CAT scan and an EKG and a lot of other stuff... Matt took me and he was an amazing trooper the whole day, AND, the ER staff was freaking fantastically kind and efficient, AND happily everything looks fine (ie, I don't have cancer or a blood clot, hurray!!!). AND my friends are amazing and encouraging and supportive, I had like 5 offers of people to come be with me and when I ran into my friend Alex right before I was going to leave for the hospital he immediately prayed for me right in the middle of the library... AND my parents are amazing and really cute, my dad interrupted a meeting with a patient (which almost never happens) to call me twice and my mom of course immediately booked a plane flight :-).
So all that is so much to be thankful for. However, I am still coughing a lot and am kind of exhausted. So if you could pray I would really appreciate it :-)

(Update: Nurse Heather is rummaging around trying to find some concoction of substances that will help me stop coughing enough to fall asleep. I just heard her say to herself, "Hmm, now what do we have in this kitchen that we can use as a narcotic? Oh, I wish we had some alcohol!")

Thanks friends!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yay! your mom's coming! I love you, Em, and I hope you feel better soon! It is no fun being sick! I am so thankful that there doesn't seem to be anything serious! I know it's hard when you are going through it, though! <3 <3 <3

Human Needs Global Resources Covenant, 2009

As fellow travelers on this journey, we commit to this covenant before God. Lord, in Your mercy, hear these our prayers:

When confronted with scarcity, need, and inadequacy, may we be nourished by the Bread of Life and the Cup of Salvation. Abundance overflows from Your table, sustaining all who come in faith. Father, help us.

When monotony blurs our vision and dulls our senses, may we encounter others as Christ did, through intentional presence in daily life, submitting as clay to be formed into vessels filled with the Spirit. Christ, guide us.

When wounded by the fractured condition of Your people, may we be united by Your Lordship in faith, hope, and love; seeing, as through the facets of a diamond, the beautiful spectrum of Your light reflected onto Your holy Church joined in praise. Spirit, empower us.

When all Creation groans, afflicted by injustice and driven to despair, may the promise of redemption root us in the hope of Your Kingdom: "Behold, I am making all things new!"

Holy Trinity, send us now into the world in peace, and grant us strength and courage to love and serve You with gladness and singleness of heart.
