Thursday, December 23, 2010

Some quotes.

Whenever I read something I want to remember, something that makes me think, I copy and paste it into the drafts folder of my email (no idea why, I just remember that they're there). I went through and reread the ones I've saved over the last few months. Here's a few...

"You never know how much you really believe anything until its truth or falsehood becomes a matter of life & death to you."
-C.S. Lewis (oh hello last year).

"Most of us make the mistake of seeing our lives through the lens of deficiency: what has been withheld from me? Instead of seeing our lives through the biblical lens: everything has been given."

"It is clear in the bible that our suffering is often God’s greatest gift to us." again (I love this blog)

“A mouthful of sea air, or a stiff walk in the wind’s face would not give grace to the soul, but it would yield oxygen to the body, which is next best.”

"I think it is appropriate to borrow an insight from the German philosopher Martin Heidegger: that care is our most basic, foundational stance towards the world, and what we care about (even in the short term) can go a long way towards telling us who we are and what we should be doing."
-my awesome friend Marty

"I will never say, ‘Holy, holy, holy’ to that which I have been able to decipher and figure out in my own mind."

"Knowing what we don't want helps affirm what we do." (That truth has been a huge theme of my last year in a very helpful way.)

“If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up people to gather wood, divide the work and give orders. Instead, teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea.”
-Antoine de Saint-Exupery

"There is nothing that tells the truth about us as Christians so much as our prayer life."
-Martyn Lloyd-Jones* (*Fun fact: the same Marty I quoted above was named after this Martyn!).

"...Now, there is Real Life. It's not so bad, Peter Pan. Real Life is a good place for people with childlike hearts. There is a wonder in every day, even in the most mundane workaday places and people. Real Life is a rich place for people who love to learn. You are going to learn way, way more in the next ten years than you have in the last twenty. Real Life is a place of genuine creativity. You will write your message on the hearts of countless people and you will create home for the people you love. Real Life is a place of joy for those who love without limits. So, go do that. Take that childlike faith, that trust in goodness, that heartfelt courage, and love without limits."

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Human Needs Global Resources Covenant, 2009

As fellow travelers on this journey, we commit to this covenant before God. Lord, in Your mercy, hear these our prayers:

When confronted with scarcity, need, and inadequacy, may we be nourished by the Bread of Life and the Cup of Salvation. Abundance overflows from Your table, sustaining all who come in faith. Father, help us.

When monotony blurs our vision and dulls our senses, may we encounter others as Christ did, through intentional presence in daily life, submitting as clay to be formed into vessels filled with the Spirit. Christ, guide us.

When wounded by the fractured condition of Your people, may we be united by Your Lordship in faith, hope, and love; seeing, as through the facets of a diamond, the beautiful spectrum of Your light reflected onto Your holy Church joined in praise. Spirit, empower us.

When all Creation groans, afflicted by injustice and driven to despair, may the promise of redemption root us in the hope of Your Kingdom: "Behold, I am making all things new!"

Holy Trinity, send us now into the world in peace, and grant us strength and courage to love and serve You with gladness and singleness of heart.
