I love seasons.
I think it was such a brilliant plan to have them-
it just calls us into deeper intentionality with life;
these specific joys, we can know only once a year.
Today marks one week that it has been officially Autumn (the season of coziness, and thus clearly my favorite)...
I have not wanted to waste a minute.
I packed in as many elementary-schoolers, orange yarn, and colorful felt
as could fit in my living room
I am happily clothed in boots, scarves, and all shades of red, orange and gold...
I've been joyfully taking note of all the bits of fall showing up around town...
I decorated my house with pumpkins today!!
(It occurred to me after I was already too excited not to buy them
that this was a lot of pumpkins to buy when I had walked to the store...)
The candles throughout my home are currently scented:
pumpkin spice, pumpkin buttercream, hazelnut coffee, and french vanilla.
And are frequently lit.
I made one of my favorite autumn meals for the Fawvers when they came over for dinner last night.
Quinoa with apples, cranberries, and grapes... so good, easy, healthy, and fall-ish.
Adding blue cheese on top makes it pretty amazing.
(Bree my love, note the spoon :-))
(Bree my love, note the spoon :-))
The trees aren't in full orange glory yet, but there is a definite golden tinge to our town.
It was an excellent and fully autumnal first week of fall.
This week: definitely baking something with pumpkin,
and beginning to sew Halloween costumes for several of my small friends.