Thursday, January 10, 2013

.coram deo.

i just spent half a week a couple hours away on the coast,
at a retreat my church puts on every year called "sabbath by the sea".
though there were others in the big house and i loved talking with them at meals and morning and evening prayer,
most of the days were spent alone w/ God.

lots of this:

and this.

i asked friends for ideas on what to think and pray through in this gift of time.
here are some of their words...

What does God say about who I am? How does God see me differently than I see myself?

Where have I found the most joy this past year? Where have I felt the most tension / fatigue / deadness this last year? What might God be saying to me through those memories? 

How have I felt God's love lately?

How am I living adventurously, trusting that God is my provider?

In what ways can I simplify my life?

How can I build space into and protect the space I need to serve God most effectively?

What am I holding too tight? What am I too freely giving?

1 comment:

mpm said...


I can't wait to hear more.

Human Needs Global Resources Covenant, 2009

As fellow travelers on this journey, we commit to this covenant before God. Lord, in Your mercy, hear these our prayers:

When confronted with scarcity, need, and inadequacy, may we be nourished by the Bread of Life and the Cup of Salvation. Abundance overflows from Your table, sustaining all who come in faith. Father, help us.

When monotony blurs our vision and dulls our senses, may we encounter others as Christ did, through intentional presence in daily life, submitting as clay to be formed into vessels filled with the Spirit. Christ, guide us.

When wounded by the fractured condition of Your people, may we be united by Your Lordship in faith, hope, and love; seeing, as through the facets of a diamond, the beautiful spectrum of Your light reflected onto Your holy Church joined in praise. Spirit, empower us.

When all Creation groans, afflicted by injustice and driven to despair, may the promise of redemption root us in the hope of Your Kingdom: "Behold, I am making all things new!"

Holy Trinity, send us now into the world in peace, and grant us strength and courage to love and serve You with gladness and singleness of heart.
